Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Here's brief introduction

My name is Ms. souknaly PHAMEUANG (kik), a second year student of Environmental science.
I am a volunteer for Social Environmental Education and Development.

I was born in 2.12.1995 <== that's lao national's day "so proud!"
Of course! I'm about to reach 20 this december 2015

Importantly, i love travelling and exploring new things whether in my own country or abroad.



  1. I am a person who loves freedom and I beleive that life is a journey. I love exploring because it makes me gain more experience and inspiration. Anyway, I would like to ask you that if you could live anywhere in this world, where would it be? why?

    1. Nice to meet u; a friend who has the same vision. A place where you belong, it can not be told, but u will find out when u experience it yourself. I, myself love being in rural area, where u can hear birds sing (Not from stereo) and lay down on rice field with no worries. Maybe you should try :)

  2. That's a good place for relaxation in Chao Anouvong Park and I either like to go there. Although, in Vientiane there aren't so many choices of national park to rest. Hope in Vientiane will have a lot of entertaining activities to do. Hence, people don't across to Thailand especially Nongkhai and Audon Thani province for their pleasant such a numerous people.
